Tethered #14 by Hoi on October 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm Chapter: Chapter OneCharacters: Cara, Ed Introducing Ed! There are some character designs of him in my gallery if you want to see more. ED WILL RETURN THE SAME TIME ON MONDAY! Join Tethered on Facebook! Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrPinterestReddit Related Comics ¬ Tethered #122 Tethered #106 Tethered #27 Tethered #30 Tethered #6
Welcome Ed. Dark shoes would’ve helped with hiding better.
Hahaha! Stealth isn’t really his ‘thing’ 😛
Oh gosh, he looks so scared!
This comic is pretty interesting. Nice job thus far.
90% of these comics don’t seem to load on my computer. Could you please look into this?
90%? I’ve just had to re-upload a couple, are there more that are down?
They’re taking forever to load. Maybe they’re timing out on some servers?
This is odd, they seem to be doing fine for me, were they loading eventually for you? Sorry for the issues :S